In 1895, first film show in the world was conducted by Lumiere Brothers. Six months later the same group organized a flim show in india. Indians warmly welcomed the new art- THE CINEMA. Perhaps the most accepted and the most criticised art form of the human history. After the foreign film group left, the people of india took the job into their own hands. Among them the first south Indian was Paul Vincent from Thiruchirapalli. Paul was a railway employee,he brought a cinematograph from a french man. He named his projector as ”Edison bio-scope” and he started his shows.He traveled from place to place, usually concentrating in south India. In 1906 he reached Calicut(Kozhikode) in Kerala. In the history first time in kerala a film show was conducted there. It showed ‘ a flowering plant’ ,’horse races’ and ‘the life of Jesus Christ.
Later Paul reached Thrissur,the land of festivals but there the show was not a success may be of this Paul sold his bioscope to Varunni Joseph from Kattor and returned back to his place. In 1907 first cinema hall was opened by Joseph in trissur. It was a temporary shed among the shops that queued in the great “Thrissur pooram”(Festival) . He named it as ‘Jose Bioscope’.Joseph start to narrate the story While the show was running. The sound mixed with the visuals even before the cinema started to speak. After his success in the shows in kerala,he travelled across south india with his bioscope. Again he met with success in several places.But during his travel at Mangalapuram(Mangalore) his bioscope and other accessories drowned in the sea. This incident did not discourage him. He started a new company along with his friends name “The Royal Exhibitors”, Joseph passed away even before the first malayalm film released.